On this page you will find instructions on how to change your home page from our old link (http://www.beasleybiz.com/index.php/useful-links) to our updated page (http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html). It is important that you do this soon as we will be deleting the old link in 2 months on 7/4/2017. At that time your browser will open to an error page if you do not follow these directions. Find your browser in the menu above and click on it to go right to your directions. As a side note if you no longer wish to use our Useful Links as your home page then you can substitute any website URL (i.e. http://www.google.com) in place of http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html following these same directions.

Google Chrome - 10 Easy Steps

Google Chrome Logo
Click here for a printable version of these instructions without pictures.

Click any instructions picture to view larger. Click X in top right corner to return to page.

  1. Open your Chrome browser and in the address bar type in http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html (This is called a U.R.L.) then press enter.
    Type the URL in the address bar
  2. Click on the settings icon in the upper right side that looks like three stacked dots.
    Click the settings icon
  3. Scroll down to Settings and click. This will open a new tab to the settings page.
    Click settings.
  4. Go to the section labeled On startup and make sure that the radio button is set to "Open a specific page or set of pages". Click Set Pages.
    Click Set pages.
  5. Click on the bottom left button that says "Use current pages".
    Click Use current pages button.
  6. Click the OK button.
    Click the OK button.
  7. Scroll down to the Appearance section and below where it says show home button (If this is not checked, check it now) and click on the word Change.
    Click Change.
  8. If it is not already put the radio button on Open this page: then click in the text box and delete the current contents if any. Type in http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html
    If it is not already put the radio button on Open this page: then click in the text box and delete the current contents if any. Type in http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html
  9. Click the OK button.
    Click the OK button.
  10. Close the settings tab by clicking on the x.
    Close the settings tab by clicking on the x.

Mozilla Firefox - 4 Easy Steps

Mozilla Firefox Logo
Click here for a printable version of these instructions without pictures.

Click any instructions picture to view larger. Click X in top right corner to return to page.

  1. Open your Firefox browser and in the address bar type in http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html (This is called a U.R.L.) then press enter.
    Type the URL in the address bar
  2. Click on the settings icon in the upper right side that looks like three stacked lines.
    Click the settings icon
  3. Scroll down to Startup and click the button that says Use Current Page.
    Click Use Current Page button.
  4. Close the settings tab by clicking on the x.
    Close the settings tab by clicking on the x.

Microsoft Edge- 6 Easy Steps

Microsoft Edge Logo
Click here for a printable version of these instructions without pictures.

Click any instructions picture to view larger. Click X in top right corner to return to page.

  1. Open your Edge browser click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner that looks like three horizontal dots.
    Open your Edge browser click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner that looks like three horizontal dots.
  2. Click on Settings.
    Click on Settings.
  3. Click on the box below Open Microsoft Edge with and choose A specific page or pages.
    Click on the box below Open Microsoft Edge with and choose A specific page or pages.
  4. In the box that appears type in http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html
    In the box that appears type in http://www.beasleybiz.com/useful-links.html
  5. Click the Disk icon to the right to save.
    Click the Disk icon to the right to save.
  6. Click on the settings icon again to close.
    Click on the settings icon again to close.

Microsoft Internet Explorer - No longer supported

Microsoft Internet Explorer Logo

If you are still using Internet Explorer on Windows 7 or earlier you need to migrate to a new browser. Download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox now.